Performing a stealth strike with the Apoctolith will cause the next brick to stun enemies with the Eutrophication debuff. The Shadethrower is a craftable Pre-Hardmode flamethrower that is also dropped by The Hive Mind. When used in Hardmode, the weapon slowly charges up, pulling in purely visual energy particles. The Grarble Obliterator, a pre-boss drill/axe combo tool. Twisted Netherite Scythe. Its best modifier is Mythical. The Wither Blossoms Staff is a craftable Hardmode summon weapon that is an upgrade to the Tundra Flame Blossoms Staff. Today, we will be taking a quick look at Onyx Chain Blaster and it's Hardmode Post-Moon Lord / Pre-Providence loadout/setup. The Verdant is a Godseeker Mode yoyo crafted from Uelibloom Bars. Its best modifier is Legendary. The Crystal Flare Staff is a craftable Hardmode wand. The laser creates a tiny explosion on hit, inflicts the On Fire! debuff. Its best modifier is Mythical. While the player is holding a summon weapon or tool, the. True melee hits, orbs, and blades all inflict the Brimstone Flames, Frostburn, God Slayer Inferno, and Holy. The leaves can pass through tiles but cannot pierce enemies. Both the sword and the fired projectiles inflict the On Fire! and Shadowflame debuffs. Neither the initial rocket nor the sharks can hit more than one enemy, though the initial blast has a small area of effect which ignores enemy. 5% damage, along with 6 gravity-affected metallic. It summons a Carol Bell sentry that floats in place. Exploding stakes pierce 7 enemies and cause explosions on hit, while fire stakes pierce 9 enemies and inflict the On Fire! debuff. It can later be used to craft the Contagion. The Mandible Claws are a Pre-Hardmode melee weapon that drops from Antlions, Antlion Chargers, and Antlion Swarmers. When its arrows hit an enemy, Phangasm spawns an additional barrage of phantasm arrows that home in on that enemy. These spores last for 8 seconds before dissipating. When used, the player will perform slow short distanced punches, with the rate at which punches are thrown increasing very quickly until roughly 20 punches are thrown a second after 8 seconds of continuous punching. The. It fires three shotgun blasts; one is fired from the gun, the second is fired at the cursor from above, and the third is fired at the cursor from below. Use. When used, it launches a fast projectile that is heavily affected by gravity and can bounce off of tiles up to two times before vanishing. Upon contact with a target, the hammer will inflict the God Slayer Inferno and summon five Nebula lasers to strike at the target's position, inflicting the Frostburn and On Fire! debuffs. The spell tome rapidly fires water bolts within a small spread that pierce once before being destroyed. 5 seconds where it is fully charged. Onyx blasts deal 250% of the weapon's damage. It automatically rapidly fires bullets. The Bucket of Coal is a craftable Hardmode bomb. The notes can pierce up to ten enemies, travel through blocks, and linger shortly before disappearing. Wulfrum Excavator. The Epidemic Shredder is a craftable Hardmode rogue boomerang. All classless. The item's name is a tribute to a user named "Pine" who was a popular server owner on The. When an enemy is hit, the player swinging the weapon gains 10 frames of immunity. Night. Unlike other yoyos, The Obliterator ignores NPC immunity frames, allowing it to rapidly bounce off of enemies and inflict much more damage than its damage stat would indicate. Regulus is a star system composed of four stars, which has. When swung, it emits harmless particles of electricity. For context I'm prepping for providence. The weapon's sprite and function are a. The Obliterator is a Godseeker Mode yoyo dropped by The Devourer of Gods. The Corroslime Staff is a Pre-Hardmode summon weapon that is dropped by The Slime God. this article is out of date, the cnidarian is now a summon weapon. When an enemy is struck with the blade, Chain-Saw applies a stacking darkness effect. A fault line is the location of a fracture. Unlike other dynamites, the Aero Dynamite is not affected by gravity and smoothly bounces off surfaces. 25% / 33%. 6K views 2 years ago #Calamity #Terraria. If Musket Balls are used as ammo, bullets are replaced with a stream of fast acid that can pierce one enemy before dissipating upon hitting a second. Onyx Blaster got some upgrades in Terraria Calamity mod, but are they good?The upgrades are Onyx Chain Blaster and OnyxiaJoin Discord Server: "It was tempered by the fires which are fueled by spirits, and formed in the magma I draw into my laboratories. Clamor Noxus is a Godseeker Mode wand which is an upgrade to the Clamor Noctus and the final upgrade of the Sky Glaze. Enemies struck by this weapon are inflicted with the Armor Crunch debuff, greatly reducing their defense temporarily. The weights break upon contact with enemies or tiles,. Its best modifier is Unreal. The. If it hits an enemy or tile this way, the amount of dead coral is increased to 58. It rapidly fires out onyx saw blasts which circle back after passing through the cursor or past a set distance, along with rapid shotgun bursts of bullets. The right-click mode shoots a beam that splits into five. The weapon consumes 0. After 2. Any asteroid that strikes an enemy grants the Molten buff to the user for 6. They act similarly to magic weapons in that they consume mana, but while. Not to be confused with Wrath of the Ancients, a Hardmode spell tome. The usage of 52 cards in its crafting recipe is a reference to a. Gun. Unlike the Conclave Crossfire, the extra bullets can pass through tiles. The Heart Rapier was a craftable Hardmode spear. The Charged Dart Blaster is a craftable Hardmode dart gun and an upgrade to the Dart Rifle/Dart Pistol. Its. Performing a stealth strike with the Regulus Riot will cause it to explode into energy stars on death. They can be blue, pink, or both blue and pink, however they all function identically. If the player has the Invisibility buff while holding a rogue bomb, their rogue weapon projectiles have 10%. Thrower's Gauntlet. Despite. The Omniblade is a craftable Hardmode melee weapon. This weapon gets its name from a weapon and. The Totality Tides is a craftable Godseeker Mode melee weapon. When it detects an enemy, it will hops towards them and explode, killing itself and dealing 200 damage. It is functionally identical to the Needler, but inflicts the Plague debuff. Fantasy Talismans are craftable consumable Hardmode rogue weapons. The Ace's High is a craftable Godseeker Mode gun. It fires a high-velocity hellish bolt that explodes into skulls on contact with enemies or tiles. Its best modifier is Unreal . Ultima is a craftable Godseeker Mode bow. Silver Chocobo Feather 5. The Leviathan Teeth are a Hardmode non-consumable dagger dropped by Leviathan and Anahita. When the yoyo returns to the player, another one will be automatically thrown if they are still holding the fire button. Each time an enemy is hit while the Shred debuff is inflicted, the debuff stacks on itself and deals more. It cannot get modifiers that affect size. Performing a stealth strike with the. The Gastric Belcher Staff is a Hardmode summon weapon that drops from Leviathan and Anahita. The Twisted Netherite Sword is based on the Netherite Sword from Minecraft. 25% / 33. Not to be confused with Astralachnea Staff, a wand dropped by Astralachnea. The Vehemence is a Godseeker Mode wand. The Fulguration Halberd can be swung both as a broadsword and a spear by pressing left and right click respectively. It shoots one of two projectiles randomly per swing: four brimstone bolts to the left, right, and diagonals of the player, or a large brimstone bolt aimed at the cursor, which splits into multiple smaller ones upon death. Each projectile can pass through walls and hit 5 times before dissipating, and their piercing abilities vary as a result of their different damage-dealing speeds. 1. It shoots flaming pumpkins that bounce off of tiles and can pierce one enemy before breaking on the next. 100 required. The Titan Tides is a craftable Godseeker Mode melee weapon. It automatically throws a gravity-defying lightning bolt that does not pierce and travels faster while raining. Silver Chocobo Feather 1. The Demonic Pitchfork was a craftable Hardmode wand that fired a demonic pitchfork which could pierce up to two enemies. Neither the initial rocket nor the sharks can hit more than one enemy, though the initial blast has a small area of. This weapon is completely useless against Enemies that are immune to every. Hit. Unloxcalibur is a craftable Hardmode broadsword. Golden Aero Feather. Its best modifier is Mythical. The Terra-cotta is a Hardmode broadsword that drops from Dune Splicers after Plantera has been defeated, and is the indirect upgrade to the Burnt Sienna. 3) 5; 0; Gil Currency Shop Items. The Arngren is a craftable Hardmode gun that is an upgraded version of the Clock Gatlignum. Its best modifier is Mythical . The Disseminator is a craftable Godseeker Mode gun and a direct upgrade to the Conference Call. Rem's Revenge, the. A maximum of 40 globs can exist at once. When used, they throw a talisman that latches onto enemies and sticks there, periodically releasing homing souls that deal 50% of the talisman's base damage. Upon striking an enemy with the blade, 3-5 gravity-affected sparks fling outwards from the hit enemy, and a meteor head is summoned from offscreen that homes in on enemies. It automatically fires a line of 3 cards with a mild delay between each set, randomly choosing one of four types, each with varying effects. It spawns an aura around the player that last half a second. . The Wulfrum Digging Turtle is a craftable Pre-Hardmode classless weapon. Ruthless might be preferred if the player. Stars deal 15% of the weapon's damage, inflicting the Moon Burnt debuff, and sticking on enemies and tiles for 2 seconds before exploding for 135% damage. The Mineral Mortar is a craftable Hardmode launcher that fires projectiles shaped like Forbidden Fragments. The Air Spinner moves extremely quickly compared to other yoyos, allowing it to more easily. The Onyx Chain Blaster is a craftable post- Moon Lord gun that is a combination of the Onyx Blaster and the Chain Gun. The Omniblade is a craftable Hardmode broadsword. The Belching. The Titanium Railgun is a craftable Hardmode gun that fires a laser of light particles in a straight line and pierces up to five enemies. Undine's Retribution is a craftable Hardmode wand. The Pumplerfaust is a craftable Hardmode ranged weapon. Sell. Its best modifier is Godly. Providence, the Profaned Goddess. The Phangasm is a craftable Godseeker Mode bow and a direct upgrade to the Phantasm. The Elemental Eruption is a craftable Godseeker Mode flamethrower that fires clusters of rainbow flames, which inflict numerous debuffs onto enemies. 5. The explosion generated by sword hits. The Borealis Bomber is a Hardmode summon weapon that drops from Astrum Aureus. But the. The Deathhail Staff is a Godseeker Mode wand that is dropped by The Devourer of Gods. The Technicate is a craftable post- Noxus gun it fires bullets with an extremely fast attack speed, the bullets create 2 new bullets on the sides every 0. The player can load up to a maximum of 8 arrows and stop holding to release arrows with a 50% velocity. The Ethereal Subjugator is a Godseeker Mode summon weapon that is dropped by Polterghast. It additionally is surrounded by six tentacles that deal contact damage. Ruthless might be preferred if the player. Hitting an enemy would apply the Brimstone Flames debuff for a significantly long time of 100 seconds. The ability for the weapon to inflict Electrified is a reference to the conductivity of saltwater. Each axe's damage has a 2x damage increase for the first 0. Onyx Staff. The five sparks are always thrown out at the same. The purple butterfly will visciously ram into enemies while spawning crystal shards on enemy hits, while the pink butterfly will remain stationary and fire a swarm of sakura bullets. The Shellshooter is a Pre-Hardmode bow that is purchasable from the Sea King at any time. Onyx blasts deal 250% of the weapon's damage. The secondary fire (right-click) shoots an equivalent barrage of normal bullets. They are the final upgrade to the Monstrous Knives and the Moonstone Knives. When used, it fires ten large stars that explode upon contact with an enemy. Astrum Aureus must be defeated in order to open the Chest. When swung, it fires a slow and homing glowing sword-like projectile from the blade, and another from the sky towards the cursor. It can be. Bullet-Filled Shotgun. Performing a stealth strike with Bundles o'. It is the direct upgrade to the Twentloon and the final upgrade to the Harpoon. When used, the weapon appears on the user's cursor and fires an assortement of exo projectiles in the direction that the ball is relative to the player. Its best modifier is Mythical. None of the projectiles fired by the Ultisword can. The Aero Bolt is a craftable Hardmode spell tome. The maximum set distance along with tooth damage increases as the weapon is used up to 1. Every other shot, it will instead shoot explosive void blasts, which do not consume ammo. Its best modifier is Unreal. 1. 25% / 33. 2. When a target is nearby, the fist charges into its target and rebounds upon hitting. It has an average range and no projectile but swings very quickly and deals high damage. This weapon does. When used, it spawns a large flying snowflake that is controlled with the cursor, oscillating back and forth in a manner similar to Flying Knife. If the player gets too far, it grows two wings and flies towards the player. Once the mine has existed for 20 seconds, it will explode into 8-10. It inflicts Brimstone. It rapidly. Tooltip. Every fourth lightning bolt deals 35% more damage and in addition, critical strikes from the lightning bolts will. Wrath of the Cosmos. Both shards will travel back and forth five times before fading away, passing through walls and piercing any number of enemies. Right-clicking. Additionally,. They are projectiles thrown out away from the player that explode after traveling a short distance or after contacting a block or enemy, usually with an area of effect. It can later be used to craft the Contagion. Toxibow: I've never used this, either. The pulse continuously grows until it reaches a radius of 300 blocks, then fades away. It fires a slow-moving boomerang that pierces infinitely before returning to the player. The mine moves slowly, travels through blocks, and explodes shortly after being thrown out. When used, it summons an Onyx Excavator which acts similarly to the Basilisk summoned by the Ancient Horn but allows the player to drill through almost all blocks in the game. When used, it summons a miniature variant of the Aquatic Aberration that floats by the player and attacks nearby enemies by firing gravity-affected vomit towards its targets. Earthen pike easily deals 1k+ dps with one dummy. The Tenebris Tides is a craftable Godseeker Mode melee weapon.